A Hero's Welcome for The Not Forgotten...

On Friday 18th November 2022, we were delighted to welcome back beneficiaries of the Not Forgotten charity who we host on an annual basis.  The charity provide events for wounded serving personnel and disabled veterans, which improves physical and mental health, addresses isolation and loneliness, and promotes a sense of community and balance.
The charity support over 10,000 beneficiaries; providing assistance to any serving man or woman who is wounded, injured or sick and any veteran with a disability, illness or infirmity; whatever the cause and whenever it arose. Any serving or former member of The Royal Navy, The Royal Marines, The British Army, The Royal Air Force and The Merchant Navy, both Regular and Reserve Forces, may be eligible for their help. 
In recognition of the charities work, we were delighted to donate race naming rights to our 12.55 race and welcome Colonel Richard Walker, the charity’s new CEO, alongside JJ Adams and Joe Sale to present trophies to winning connections.
To find out more about the charity’s work, visit: www.thenotforgotten.org/